Family Law
Divorce, Custody and Parenting Time, Paternity/Filiation,
Modification, Enforcement, and Child Support
Specializing in High-Conflict Cases and the Protection of Children
Restraining Orders and Protective Orders
Protective Proceedings including Guardianship and
Psychological Parent Custody/Visitation
Representation of Children in custody and parenting time cases
Independent Adoptions, Grandparent Adoptions and
Step-Parent Adoptions
Tiffany is licensed in the State of Oregon and practices in Washington, Multnomah, and Clackamas counties.
“No parent wants to impose [a] lifelong burden on his or her children. Most mothers and fathers express sadness when they recognize the serious toll that conflict takes on their children’s happiness and adult adjustment. Yet, many do not know how to stop fighting.”
“[P]arents are not helpless to stop the conflict… The longer the conflict lasts and the higher its intensity, the greater is the likelihood that the children will be seriously harmed. Having recognized that they are at high risk of remaining in conflict, parents can learn strategies and techniques to reduce children’s exposure to the conflict.” **
Tiffany’s work focuses on protecting children from this conflict as much as possible by carefully structuring each case based on each family’s individual needs. She provides personal and professional support during this emotional and turbulent process. If you need an advocate to fight for you and your child or children, Tiffany should be in your corner.
**Caught in the Middle: Protecting the Children of High-Conflict Divorce by Carla B. Garrity and Mitchell A. Baris, 1994 Pages 27 & 28